Austrália persegue tubarão branco assassino infographic
A infografia mostra a localização do ataque de tubarão em Sydney com uma contagem dos ataques de tubarão na Austrália.


Praias de Sydney encerradas devido a ataque de tubarão

By Ninian Carter

February 17, 2022 - As autoridades de Sydney procuram um grande tubarão branco que matou um instrutor de mergulho no primeiro ataque fatal em quase 60 anos.

A 35-year-old certified diving instructor from Sydney has been named as the victim of a fatal shark attack off the city’s coast.

Simon Nellist from Wolli Creek was swimming at Little Bay when he was attacked just after 4.30pm (local time) on Wednesday.

Witness testimony of the shark’s size and and behaviour points to it being a great white shark – likely 4-5 metres long. In the frenzied attack, Nellis received catastrophic injuries, with some of his remains found in Little Bay shortly afterwards.

It is Sydney’s first fatal shark attack since 1963, when actor Marcia Hathaway was savaged by a bull shark at Sugarloaf Bay, in Middle Harbour.

Beaches from Bondi to Cronulla remain closed until further notice, while the hunt for the shark continues.

PUBLISHED: 17/02/2022; STORY: Graphic News