Debate sobre o “Endeavour” do capitão Cook infographic
A infografia mostra a localização dos destroços do Endeavour segundo os investigadores australianos, e uma cronologia da viagem do navio da Grã-Bretanha para a Austrália em 1768.


Debate sobre o “Endeavour” do capitão Cook

By Jordi Bou

February 4, 2022 - Alegações sobre a localização do navio em que o explorador britânico
James Cook viajou para a Austrália em 1768 na sua primeira viagem de descoberta, suscitaran aceso debate entre peritos dos EUA e australianos.

The Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) claims that the wreck known as RI 2394 in Newport Harbour, Rhode Island, belongs to the Endeavour. But the U.S. partners from the Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project (RIMAP) say claim is “premature” and a “breach of contract”.

The Australian museum says the structural details and shape of the remains “closely match” historic plans of Endeavour and that its timber samples strongly suggested it was built in Europe and not America. But the RIMAP says that “many unanswered questions” remained.

The British-built coal ship famously landed in eastern Australia in 1770.

The Endeavour, then known as Lord Sandwich II, was sunk in 1778 with 12 other ships off Rhode Island, U.S., but no-one was sure where.

PUBLISHED: 04/02/2022; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Painting by Nathaniel Dance-Holland, National Maritime Museum