China expande a presença aérea e naval infographic
A infografia mostra as incursões aéreas chinesas desce janeiro de 2021.


China expande a presença aérea e naval

By Phil Bainbridge

January 24, 2022 - A Força Aérea chinesa fez evoluir 39 aparelhos na zona de identificação de defesa aérae de Taiwan a 23 de janeiro, o maior número diário desde as incursões de outubro, ao mesmo tempo que estabelece uma presença naval constante no sul do Japão e leste de Taiwan. Esta expansão do poder naval de Pequim chamou a atenção para a área como potencial campo de batalha seguro.

Thirty-four fighter jets, four electronic warfare aircraft and a bomber from the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) are reported to have flown in an area to the northeast of the Pratas Islands.

The Taiwan Air Force scrambled combat aircraft and issued radio warnings, activating its air defence missile systems. Taiwan describes these activities as “grey zone” warfare, designed to both wear out Taiwan’s forces by making them repeatedly scramble, and also to test Taiwan’s responses.

This is the largest incursion since Taiwan reported 148 PLAAF planes in the southern and southwestern part of the ADIZ over four days starting October 1, coinciding with China’s National Day, a major patriotic holiday. Tensions could continue to rise in 2022, with key political events looming including Chinese President Xi Jinping facing the Party Congress where he is expected to secure a third term in power, and Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen going into elections which are likely to be a litmus test for the next presidential race.

PUBLISHED: 24/01/2022; STORY: Graphic News