Mortes por Covid nos EUA atingem 800,000S infographic
A infografia traça o total de óbitos nos EUA de Covid-19, entre os maiores de 65 anos e os de menos idade.


800.000 americanos pereceram de Covid-19

By Ninian Carter

December 15, 2021 - Os EUA atingiram o marco sombrio de 800.000 óbitos por Covid-19,
três quartos dos quais entre o grupo etário de mais de 65 anos.

On December 14, as the coronavirus pandemic nears the end of its second year, the United States reached the dismaying figure of 800,343 deaths from Covid-19.

Of that figure, three-quarters of fatalities have been among people aged 65 and above. That’s about one in 100 older Americans dying from the virus. For those under 65, the ratio is nearer 1 in 1,400.

Older Americans continue to suffer isolation and fear associated with the pandemic, long after millions of younger people have returned to work and school. And as new variants, like Delta and Omicron, take hold, so too older Americans feel compelled to withdraw further from society.

PUBLISHED: 15/12/2021; STORY: Graphic News