Vacinação destaca as desigualdades globais
December 13, 2021 - Com dois anos de pandemia de Covid-19, perto de metade da população do mundo continua sem ser vacinada – a grande maioria em países de baixo e baixo-médio rendimento. Mais de sete em cada 10 vacinas foram no braço de pessoas de países de médio-alto rendimento.
Less wealthy countries are relying on a vaccine-sharing arrangement called Covax, which originally aimed to provide two billion doses by the end of the year but has repeatedly cut its forecasts because of production problems, export bans and vaccine hoarding by wealthy nations, The New York Times said.
This has led to a striking divide between regions of the world. Africa has the slowest vaccination rate of any continent, with just 12 percent of the population receiving at least one dose of a vaccine.