ONU precisa de $41.000 milhões para ajuda humanitária
December 2, 2021 -
As Nações Unidas precisam de $41.000 milhões para financiar a ajuda
humanitária a 183 milhões de pessoas em 63 países, com a pandemia no seu terceiro ano, o aumento dos conflitos e a mudança climática.
The UN humanitarian agency OCHA appealed for $41bn, up from the $35bn requested for 2021 and double the amount sought four years ago.
In its Global Humanitarian Overview report, OCHA said 274 million people worldwide will need some form of emergency assistance next year, up 17 percent from the figure for 2021, which was a record high.
It said one in 29 people will need help in 2022, marking a 250 percent increase since 2015 when one in 95 needed assistance.
Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Ethiopia and Sudan are the five major crises requiring the most funding, topped by $4.5 billion sought for Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.