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 O que se conseguiu na COP26 infographic
A infografia apresenta uma resumo do que foi acordado na COP26.


Resultado da cimeira climática de Glasgow

November 15, 2021 - O Pacto Climático de Glasgow, assinado por quase 200 países, visa manter vivo o objetivo de limitar o aumento da temperatura global a 1,5ºC, mas muitos cientistas dizem que os compromissos ficaram aquém.

The Glasgow Climate Pact is the first ever climate deal to explicitly plan to reduce coal, the worst fossil fuel for greenhouse gases, the BBC said.

But critics say the pledges don't go far enough to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C.

As part of the agreement, countries will meet next year to pledge further major carbon cuts with the aim of reaching the 1.5C goal. Current pledges, if fulfilled, will only limit global warming to about 2.4C.

PUBLISHED: 15/11/2021; STORY: Graphic News