Cinco mil milhões de pessoas podem não ter acesso a água em 2050
October 6, 2021 -
A Organização Meteorológica Mundial advertiu que mais de cinco mil
milhões de pessoas podem ter acesso inadequado a água em 2050. "O relatório do Estado dos Serviços Climáticos 2021:Água" é publicado poucas semanas antes da cimeira COP26.
Already in 2018, 3.6 billion people had inadequate access to water for at least one month per year, according to a new report from the UN’s World Meteorological Organisation.
The WMO said that over the last 20 years, the levels of water stored on land – on the surface, in the subsurface, in snow and ice – had dropped at a rate of one centimetre per year.
The agency said there were major ramifications for water security, as only 0.5 percent of water on Earth is useable and available fresh water.