Austrália opta por submarinos nucleares infographic
A infografia mostra detalhes dos submarinos da classe Virgínia e da classe Astute.


Austráalia vai ter fota de sub marinos de propulsão nuclear

September 21, 2021 - A decisão da Austrália de rasgar o contrato de A$80.000m com a França para 12 sub marinos de propulsão a diesel vai levá-la a comprar navios britânicos da classe Asture de propulsão nuclear, ou o equivalente da marinha dos EUA, a classe Virgínia.

U.S. President Joe Biden revealed last week a new alliance including Australia and Britain that would deliver an Australian fleet of at least eight nuclear-powered submarines.

Under the Aukus pact, Australia will be given the technology to build the nuclear vessels as a way of countering China’s influence in the contested South China Sea, the BBC said.

The partnership ended a deal worth $37bn signed by Australia in 2016 for France to build 12 conventional submarines. France says it was informed of the pact only hours before the public announcement was made.

The new submarines will be much more capable than the original planned fleet, and could mean a bonanza for defence contractors in the UK and U.S., according to the Financial Times.

PUBLISHED: 21/09/2021; STORY: Graphic News