Corrida contra o tempo no aeroporto de Cabul infographic
A infografia mostra o relatório de situação no terreno em redor do aeroporto de Cabul.


Corrida para terminar as evacuações em Cabul

By Jordi Bou

August 25, 2021 - As tropas ocidentais no aeroporto de Cabul esforçam-se por evacuar
enorme número de pessoas depois de Joe Biden rejeitar os apelos dos
aliados para manter tropas no Afeganistão para além do final de agosto.

In one of the biggest such airlifts ever, the United States and its allies have evacuated more than 82,300 people, including their citizens, NATO personnel and Afghans at risk, since Aug. 14, the day before the Taliban swept into the capital Kabul to bring to an end a 20-year foreign military presence.

U.S. President Joe Biden said U.S. troops in Afghanistan faced mounting danger and aid agencies warned of an impending humanitarian crisis for the population left behind.

The Taliban said all foreign evacuations must be completed by August 31, and asked the U.S. to stop urging talented Afghans to leave, while also trying to persuade people at the airport to go home, saying they had nothing to fear.

PUBLISHED: 25/08/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Google Maps