Os talibãs dispõem de minerais no valor de $1 bilião
August 25, 2021 -
O Afeganistão assenta em depósitos cujo valor estimado é de $1 bilião
ou mais, incluindo o que se pensa serem as maiores reservas de lítio do mundo – um componente essencial mas escasso das baterias elétricas e outras tecnologias vitais para ebfrentar as alterações climáticas.
Afghanistan is rich in resources such as copper, gold, oil, natural gas, uranium, bauxite, coal and iron ore, according to Reuters.
A 2019 report by Afghanistan’s Ministry of Mines and Petroleum found that the country is expected to hold more than 2.2 billion tonnes of iron ore – worth over $350 billion at current market prices – almost 30 million tonnes of copper and 2,700kg of gold.
The mines ministry report also says that Afghanistan holds 1.4 million tonnes of rare earth minerals, a group of 17 elements prized for their applications in consumer electronics, as well as in military equipment.
The rare earth deposits are believed to include vast reserves of lithium, needed for electric vehicle batteries and the world’s low-carbon transition, Reuters said.