Inquérito global à crise no planeta infographic
A infografia mostra os resultados do inquérito Ipsos Mori.


três em cada quatro acreditam que a Terra está perto do "ponto de viragem"

By Jordi Bou

August 17, 2021 - Sobre se o clima da Terra está perto de um “ponto de viragem” abrupto e irreversível devido a atividade humana, três em cada quatro pessoas concordam fortemente, num inquérito realizado nos países mais ricos.

The Ipsos Mori survey for the Global Commons Alliance (GCA), conducted before the publication of a bombshell UN climate science report, showed that more than half (58 percent) of respondents in G20 nations were very concerned or extremely concerned about the state of the planet.

Among G20 nations, 73% of people believed human activity had pushed the Earth close to tipping points. Awareness of these risks was markedly higher in the less wealthy countries, than the richest nations.

The lead author of the report, Owen Gaffney of the GCA, said the results showed strong global support for urgent, decisive action on the climate and nature crises.

This snapshot of global public opinion was taken before the northern hemisphere summer of record-breaking heatwaves, floods and fires, and in the run-up to the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow in November.

Data was collected through an Ipsos i-Omnibus Online Panel survey, run between 27th April and 14th May 2021. Within each country, data has been weighted to be broadly representative of the profile of the population aged 16-75.

In combining responses from across the G20, we did not weight by population size because of the large differences in population across the G20 countries.

The sample for the survey was 19,735 adults aged 16-75 across the G20: around 1,000 interviews in each country.

PUBLISHED: 18/08/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images