Barragem da Etiópia no Nilo infographic
A infografia mostra os detalhes do projeto da Barragem da Grande Renascença Etíope.


Tensões pelo projeto etíope de barragem no Nilo

July 12, 2021 - A Etiópia começou a encher a albufeira da Barragem da Grande Renascença Etíope, uma enorme barragem hidroelétrica, pelo segundo ano, por entre uma campanha diplomática com o Egipto e o Sudão que encaram a barragem como uma ameaça aos seus abastecimentos de água do Nilo.

Ethiopia’s prime minister has sought to reassure Egypt and Sudan that the filling of the dam “will not inflict any significant harm” on the two nations that are seeking international help to resolve a dispute over the dam’s operations.

Egypt and Sudan have said 10 years of negotiations with Ethiopia have failed and the filling of the dam’s reservoir not only violates a 2015 agreement but poses “an existential threat” to 150 million people in their downstream nations.

The dam on the Blue Nile is 80 percent complete and expected to reach full generating capacity in 2023, making it Africa’s largest hydroelectric plant. Ethiopia says the project is essential to promote economic development and make sure the vast majority of its people do not lack electricity.

PUBLISHED: 12/07/2021; STORY: Graphic News