Recorde de 55 milhões de deslocados em 2020 infographic
A infografia mostra os detalhes dos novos deslocados em 2020.


Recorde 55 milhões de deslocados internamente no mundo

May 20, 2021 - Os conflitos e desastres naturais obrigaram 40,5 milhões de pessoas
a fugir dentro do seu país em 2020, levando o número total de deslocados internos em todo o mundo a um recorde de 55 milhões.

The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), in its latest annual global report, says a record 55 million people were living away from their homes but within their countries at the end of last year, as storms and floods, as well as both protracted and new conflicts, drove up the figures that have been growing for more than a decade.

The Geneva-based centre, which is part of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), said the number of internally displaced was more than twice that of refugees – those who flee to another country.

Of those displaced at the end of the year, some 48 million people had fled conflict and violence and 7 million had escaped from disasters, the group said.

Around 40.5 million new displacements were recorded in 2020, the highest figure in ten years. Disasters triggered over three times more displacements than conflict and violence, the report said.

PUBLISHED: 20/05/2021; STORY: Graphic News