Biden aumenta as admissões de refugiados infographic
A infografia mostra as admissões de refugiados nos EUA desde1980.


Biden decide aceitar mais refugiados

By Jordi Bou

February 5, 2021 - O Presidente Joe Biden assinou uma ordem executiva a aumentar radicalmente as admissões de refugiados nos Estados Unidos no próximo ano fiscal, acima dos 15.000 da Administração Trump, para 125.000.

In the order, Biden called for an expansion of the decades-old U.S. refugee programme, which was gutted by former President Trump, who frequently portrayed refugees as economic and security risks.

After former President Obama set a 110,000-person ceiling before leaving office, Trump slashed it every fiscal year, allocating a historically low 15,000 spots in 2020.

Last week, the United Nations refugee agency reported that countries around the globe received fewer than 23,000 refugees in 2020, the lowest number in nearly two decades, in part due to travel restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic.

The agency said that out of the more than 20 million refugees it is assisting in different countries, 1.44 million are in urgent need of resettlement.

Biden said the goal of 125,000 refugee admissions would be for the coming fiscal year, which begins on Oct 1, 2021.

PUBLISHED: 08/02/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images