Botão nuclear de Trump infographic
A infografia mostra o conteúdo da "mala" nuclear e os procedimentos que permitem a transferência da mala nuclear no caso de o Presidente Trump for demitido ou não comparecer na tomada de posse do Presidente eleito Joe Biden.


Trump ainda controla o arsenal nuclear

By Jordi Bou

January 20, 2021 - O assalto violento ao Capitólio dos EUA por apoiantes do PresidenteDonald Trump, e os receios sobre uma transição de poder pacífica, põeem causa o controlo do arsenal nuclear do país.

All presidents and a military aide together carry the tools necessary to launch the country’s nuclear weapons: anywhere, anytime.

Those two tools, called the “nuclear football” (a briefcase) and the “nuclear biscuit” (the activation codes), are carried around with the U.S. president at all times, and transferred to whoever assumes office on inauguration day, usually around noon.

But this time, because of the latest incidents and due to the fact that Trump has been unable to say whether or not he will attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, the transfer could be more complicated.

If President Trump skips the inauguration, it is believed that the Pentagon could provide Biden with its own nuclear briefcase the moment he is sworn-in, while Trump’s command over his would cease.

Whereas, if President Trump is impeached or removed from office under 25th Amendment, Vice President Mike Pence would become acting president and the football should then be passed to him until January 20.

PUBLISHED: 08/01/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Smithsonian, Getty Images