A infografia mostra os presidentes dos EUA que tentaram a reeleição para um segundo mandato, mas falharam.


Trump pode vir a ser um presidente de um só mandato

By Jordi Bou

November 6, 2020 - Ao não ter conseguido a reeleição, Donald Trump será o 11º presidente
a ver recusado um segundo mandato, entre 44 Comandantes-em-Chefe.

Of the 44 who have held office, only ten presidents have failed to win re-election for a second term, when they have attempted to.

The last president to have failed to win re-election was George H W Bush, who lost to Bill Clinton in 1992.

With coronavirus pandemic killing more than a quarter of a million Americans and putting the economy into recession, Trump could lose to Joe Biden after a close race.

PUBLISHED: 10/11/2020; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: AP, Newscom, Getty Images, Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington