Resultado das eleições para o Congresso
November 7, 2020 - ÚLTIMA ATUALIZAÇÃO ÀS 11:45TMG, 8 NOV: O Democrata Joe Biden derrotou Donald Trump nas eleições presidenciais dos EUA. A vitória na Pensilvânia deu-lhe 20 votos no Colégio Eleitoral, levando a ultrapassar o limiar de 270 necessários para chegar à Casa Branca. O Presidente Trump prometeu contestar os resultados em processos judiciais..
Biden’s agenda in office may rest on his ability to work with Congress. In the U.S. Senate, Democrats -- with the support of two Independents -- and the Republicans each hold 48 seats in the 100-member Senate. The balance of power will be decided in January when Georgia has double run-off elections for its two seats.
In the House of Representatives, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is on track to keep control but with a shrinking majority. Democrats lead with 211 to 197 seats with less than 30 seats to be declared.