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A infografia mostra o alívio das restrições da Covid-19 nalguns países.


Europa toma medidas de desconfinamento

May 7, 2020 - A Europa continua a aliviar as suas restrições quando a disseminação da doença do coronavírus (Covid-19) abranda e os países procuram regressar à vida normal após semanas de confinamento.

Germany is preparing to reopen restaurants and restart professional soccer games, while the Netherlands government has sped up its own plan to reopen, Bloomberg said.

More than four million people have been cleared to return to work in Italy and the Spanish population was allowed out to exercise for the first time in seven weeks. Some countries now allow restaurants to offer takeaways, others are permitting their citizens to get haircuts as well as visit zoos and museums.

Britain was one of the last countries to lock down citizens and hasn’t eased any restrictions yet, making it an outlier among big economies in Europe, but that could change following a review on Sunday.

PUBLISHED: 07/05/2020; STORY: Graphic News