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A infografia mostra a proposta da FIFA, com detalhes sobre a eventual retoma das competições na Europa.


Proposta da FIFA para proteger jogadores da acumulação de jogos

By Phil Bainbridge

April 28, 2020 - A FIFA propõe que as equipas possam fazer até cinco substituições por jogo quando as competições forem retomadas. A ideia é proteger os jogadores de lesões e fadiga face à acumulação de jogos gerada
pela pandemia de coronavírus.

FIFA has suggested that up to five substitutes could be used during a match, taking place within a maximum of three slots, as well as at half-time. A further sixth change would be permitted in instances of extra-time.

The new rules are subject to approval by the International Football Association Board, and include matches up to the end of December 2021.

The proposal comes as European leagues attempt to kick-start their prospective seasons. France’s Ligue 1 and the Netherlands’ Eredivisie have been cancelled, and other leagues are weighing up options as to how to complete their seasons, including playing matches at neutral venues, or behind closed doors.

UEFA is still aiming to host the Champions League final on August 29.

PUBLISHED: 28/04/2020; STORY: Graphic News