Forças da oposição tomam Sirte infographic
A infografia mostra as áreas do noroeste da Líbia controlas por forças rivais.


Forças do leste da Líbia dizem ter capturado a cidade de Sirte

January 7, 2020 - As forças baseadas no leste da Síria dizem ter assumido controlo da
cidade costeira de Sirte expelindo o governo de Tripoli reconhecido pela
ONU, no que seria uma conquista estratégica importante.

The announcement comes amid a major offensive by the eastern-based forces to take Tripoli. The capital city is the seat of a rival Libyan government, which is supported by the United Nations.

Libya is currently governed by dueling authorities in the east and in Tripoli in the west, each relying on different militias.

Commander Khalifa Hafter declared a “final” and decisive battle to take Tripoli last month. Fighting and shelling between the two sides has been raging there since April, with neither side making much progress.

PUBLISHED: 07/01/2020; STORY: Graphic News