A infografia mostra os detalhes do míssil balístico Pyongyang’s KN-11 e uma cronologia dos acontecimentos chave nas conversações nucleares entre a Coreia do Norte e os EUA desde o primeiro lançamento de submarino de um míssil balístico em 2016.


Coreia do Norte pode ter disparado míssil de submarino

By Duncan Mil

October 2, 2019 - A Coreia do Norte pode ter disparado mais um míssil balístico lançado de submarino – uma tecnologia que vinha a desenvolver antes de parar os ensaios de mísseis de longo alcance e iniciar conversações com os EUA em 2018.

The launching came just hours after Pyongyang said it would resume nuclear talks with the U.S.

South Korean military radars detected the North Korean missile flying about 450km at a maximum altitude of 910km after liftoff from a site about 17km off the North's eastern coastal town of Wonsan.

If fired at a standard trajectory, the missile could have travelled 1,500-2,000km, Kim Dong-yub, an analyst from Seoul's Institute for Far Eastern Studies, wrote on Facebook.

If confirmed, it would be the first time North Korea has launched an undersea missile in three years. The last SLBM tested by the North is thought to have taken place in August 2016, before U.S. President Donald Trump even took office.

President Trump has downplayed the significance of recent short-range launches by North Korea, but it's unclear whether he would do the same this time.

PUBLISHED: 03/10/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: KCNA