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A infografia mostra a percentagem de espécies sujeitas ao comércio global, distribuídas pelos grandes grupos, e a situação das várias espécies em termos de ameaça de extinção.


Comércio de animais selvagens

By Jordi Bou

October 3, 2019 - Uma em cada cinco espécies de vertebrados na Terra é comprada e vendida no mercado de animais selvagens, segundo um novo estudo, sendo 40-60% maior do que se suspeitava.
Os animais comercializados estão sob maior ameaça que as espécies não comercializadas, confirmando este comércio como motivador de

At least one in five vertebrate species on Earth is bought and sold on the wildlife market, according to a new study, the trade for which is 40-60% higher than previously estimated.

The trade of wildlife for luxury foods and medicinal parts and as pets is now so substantial that it represents one of the most prominent drivers of vertebrate extinction risk globally.

Of the 31,745 terrestrial bird, mammal, amphibian and reptile species, 5,579 animals, or roughly 18%, are traded globally.

The authors of the study have also predicted that future trade will affect up to 3,196 additional species, totalling 8,775 species at risk of extinction from trade.

Globally, between $8 billion and $21 billion is reaped annually from the illegal trade, making it one of the world’s largest illegitimate businesses.

The authors stress the need for proactive strategies designed to combat global wildlife trade.

PUBLISHED: 03/10/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press