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A infografia mostra a localização do glaciar e a parte que está em vias de colapsar.


Glaciar do Monte Branco pode colapsar

By Jordi Bou

September 25, 2019 - Parte de um glaciar numa montanha da cadeia do Monte Branco está
em risco de colapso, levando as autoridades italianas a encerrar
estradas e a evacuar abrigos alpinos.

A section estimated to contain up to 250,000 cubic metres of ice could fall down the mountain, the mayor of the nearby town of Courmayeur, Stefano Miserocchi, has warned.

Roads in the Val Ferret on the Italian side of Mont Blanc have been closed, after experts warned that a section of the glacier was sliding at speeds of 50-60cm per day.

Rising global temperatures are causing the melting of mountain glaciers and the retreat of polar ice sheets.

PUBLISHED: 25/09/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press