Drone de carga “Silent Arrow” infographic
A infografia mostra como o drone Silent Arrow vem embalado no seu próprio contentor de carga antes de ser montado.


Drone de ajuda aérea imediata

By Ninian Carter

September 13, 2019 - A firma de aviação norte-americana YEC apresentou o drone de carga
Silent Arrow – uma aeronave desmontável que pode entregar até 740kg de abastecimentos.

The Defence & Security Equipment International expo in London has showcased a highly original aircraft design from Yates Electrospace Corporation (YEC).

The “Silent Arrow” cargo delivery drone is an autonomous glider that can deliver up to 740kg of military supplies to the battlefield, or relief aid to ravaged communities.

Its payload can be conveyed at less than half the cost of traditional GPS-guided parachutes known as the Joint Precision Aerial Delivery System (JPADS). Furthermore, Silent Arrow can travel laterally more than double the distance of JPADS, with dramatically improved landing accuracy, zero vertical impact force and with far greater stealth.

YEC has signed supply agreements with 34 territories including the EU, UK, Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Israel, Brazil and India.

PUBLISHED: 16/09/2019; STORY: Graphic News