A infografia mostra o percurso previsto da tempestade e a áreas dom 50% ou mais probabilidades de ventos com intensidade de tempestade tropical.


Dorian dirige-se para o sudeste dos EUA

By Jordi Bou

September 2, 2019 - Em movimento lento, a tempestade Dorian, de categoria cinco – o
segundo furacão atlântico mais violento nos registos – assolou as
Bahamas e desloca-se perigosamente ao longo da costa leste dos EUA.

The storm's top sustained winds decreased slightly to 265km/h as its westward movement slowed, crawling along Grand Bahama island early Monday in what forecasters said would be a daylong assault. Earlier, Dorian churned over Abaco island with battering winds and surf during Sunday.

Forecasters said Dorian was most likely to begin pulling away from the Bahamas early Tuesday and curving to the northeast parallel to the U.S. Southeast seaboard. Still, the potent storm was expected to stay close to shore and hammer the coast with dangerous winds and heavy surf, while authorities cautioned that it could still make landfall.

The U.S. states of Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina have all declared states of emergency.

PUBLISHED: 02/09/2019; STORY: Graphic News