A infografia mostra as áreas de insegurança alimentar e a população a necessitar de ajuda.


ONU lança apelo para ajudar o Zimbabué

August 7, 2019 - A agência alimentar da ONU lançou um apelo de $331 milhões para ajudar a alimentar milhões de pessoas no Zimbabué, que enfrenta os
efeitos da seca, de um ciclone e da crise económica.

David Beasley, executive director of the UN World Food Programme, said 2.3 million people in rural Zimbabwe need emergency food aid now and the figure would increase to 5.5 million during the lean season up to March next year, Reuters reported.

The government estimates another 2.2 million people in urban areas also require food aid, bringing the total to 7.7 million, more than half of the southern African nation’s population.

The $331.5 million would be used for food aid, provision of water and sanitation and cash handouts to stricken families.

PUBLISHED: 07/08/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images