A infografia mostra os recentes assassínios em massa no Japão.


Piores massacres no Japão nos tempos recentes

July 19, 2019 - A polícia está a investigar o edifício do estúdio de animação em Quioto onde um homem que falava de plágio do seu trabalho lançou fogo e matou 33 pessoas no pior atentado no Japão em duas décadas.

Japan is among the world’s safest countries, but has a grisly record of mass violence.

Witness accounts and reports suggested the man had a grudge against Kyoto Animation

The company founded in 1981 and better known as KyoAni made a mega-hit anime series about high school girls and trained aspirants to the craft.

The shocking attack left another 36 people injured, some critically. It drew an outpouring of grief for the dead and injured, most of them workers at the studio.

PUBLISHED: 19/07/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press