A infografia mostra a campanha curda contra o chamado Estado Islâmico.


Forças curdas lançam ataque ao último bastião do EI

February 11, 2019 - As forças curdas, com apoio dos EUA, iniciaram o que pode ser a batalha final contra o chamado Estado Islâmico na Síria, após uma campanha de cinco meses para libertar o vale do Eufrates do grupo radical.

The assault on Baghouz Tahtani, on the eastern bank of the Euphrates, began on Saturday night. It came after the evacuation of more than 20,000 civilians over the past two weeks. Many of them are suspected fighters or the wives and children of IS fighters.

Estimates of the number of fighters remaining in Baghouz Tahtani vary from 400 to 600 and are thought to include some of the most die-hard and committed extremists who have stayed with the group to the bitter end.

Syrian Democratic Forces forces entered the villages of Shajilah and Baghuz Fawqani on January 23.

PUBLISHED: 11/02/2019; STORY: Graphic News