Fevereiro 2019 infographic
A infografia mostra os acontecimentos noticiosos de fevereiro de 2019. É igualmente produzida mensalmente uma versão interactiva deste gráfico.


Acontecimentos mundiais previstos para fevereiro

February 1, 2019 - February 28, 2019 - A Agenda Mundial apresenta uma antevisão dos acontecimentos mundiais previstos em fevereiro de 2019, incluindo o possível segundo encontro do Presidente Donald Trump dos EUA com o líder norte-coreano Kim Jong-un, o início da contagem para os EUA abandonarem o Tratado de FNAI, as eleições presidenciais na Nigeria, e a 91ª cerimónia de entrega dos Óscares da Academia em Los Angeles.

1 Feb 2, U.S.: Washington is due to initiate a six-month countdown to its withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia, claiming Moscow is in breach of the 1987 pact

2 February, Vietnam: U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un plan to hold a second meeting toward the end of February, probably in Hanoi. The summit is raising hopes that the stalemate over denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula can be broken

3 Feb 16, Nigeria: Africa’s most populous country goes to the polls. Despite ill health incumbent president Muhammadu Buhari is seeking a second term

4 Feb 13-14, Poland: Warsaw hosts a summit on the Middle East, where U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo intends to focus on countering Iran’s influence in the region. But many EU countries, at loggerheads with the U.S. over the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, are expected to snub the summit

5 February, U.S.: Boeing rolls out its biggest plane, the 777X, powered by the world’s biggest engine, the GE9X

6 Feb 5, China: The Year of the Pig begins. A stamp depicting a happy family with three piglets has led to speculation that all birth restrictions could soon be scrapped

7 Feb 13, U.S.: Israel’s SpaceIL plans to launch the world’s first private lunar lander from Cape Canaveral. If it succeeds, Israel would be the fourth country to land a craft on the moon

8 Feb 24, U.S.: Top Oscar contenders include Alfonso Cuaron’s epic Roma, giving Netflix its first ever Best Picture nomination. Black Panther becomes the first superhero movie ever to compete for the top honour

PUBLISHED: 24/01/2019; STORY: Newsahead, Julie Mullins; PICTURES: Associated Press, Getty Images, SpaceIL, Carlos Somonte