A infografia mostra como o RCS vai suplantar as mensagens SMS com uma série de melhorias.


Novo serviço para substituir as SMS

December 14, 2018 - A Google, cujo SO Android não tem uma app sofisticada de mensagens como a iMessage da Apple, está a apoiar o RCS – um novo protocolo de para telemóvel que pode substituir as mensagens de texto SMS (Short Message Service), o sistema em uso desde 1992.

RCS is a new online protocol that was selected for adoption by the GSM Association in 2008 – a wide body of organisations in the mobile industry, including device, software and internet companies. Because of the number of powerful players involved, it took until 2016 to reach agreement on what makes an acceptable standard.

RCS will add a lot more multimedia capabilities to messaging, ranging from the usual simple texts to longer messages with large attachments, like GIFs and high-resolution images and videos – already features of Apple’s iMessage app, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

Google’s Android platform has been without a default messaging application capable of such sophistication, which explains why the tech giant is such a strong supporter of RCS and so keen to see it implemented industry-wide.

Other major backers include Microsoft, AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Samsung, Lenovo, and LG – but not yet Apple.

PUBLISHED: 15/12/2018; STORY: Graphic News