Comparação de fundos nas eleições intercalares infographic
A infografia traça a comparação entre os dez maiores angariadores de fundos Democratas e os opositores Republicanos, para as eleições intercalares de Novembro.


Quem lidera a batalha da angariação de fundos nas intercalares?

By Ninian Carter

October 19, 2018 - Os candidatos Democrats estão a bater os Republicanos nos níveis de
angariação de fundos nos 69 lugares mais disputados a eleger para a
Câmara dos Representantes, segundo a Comissão Eleitoral Federal.

Democratic candidates are raising more funds from donations than their Republican opponents in a majority of the 69 most competitive House of Representatives races. Some of the biggest earners include two Democratic women – Mikie Sherrill in New Jersey and Amy McGrath in Kentucky.

Many Democratic candidates have raised large sums from multiple small online donations, which they are banking on as a means to make a difference in tight races.

Facing a slew of tough races, Republican leaders have begun pulling money away from some struggling incumbents, particularly those in suburbs where President Trump is unpopular.

PUBLISHED: 19/10/2018; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press