A infografia mostra os resultados da sondagem revelando que um terço dos eleitores não sabe o nome do candidato do seu partido – e inclui a evolução da popularidade de Trump.


Um terço dos eleitores dos EUA não conhece os candidatos

By Ninian Carter

October 4, 2018 - Semanas antes das eleições intercalares para o controlo do Congresso dos EUA, um terço dos eleitores não sabe o nome do candidato do seu partido.

A new poll finds 34 percent of Republican voters and 32.5 percent of Democratic voters do not know the names of the party's congressional candidates in their districts. However, this level of candidate name recognition is about in line with recent elections, according to the University of North Carolina.

Latest polling data also shows 54 percent of U.S. adults disapprove of the way President Trump is handling the presidency, with voters possibly viewing the midterms as a referendum on him.

Gender could play a role in the upcoming vote too, according to George Washington University, with the #MeToo movement and protests around Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh possibly affecting the outcome.

PUBLISHED: 05/10/2018; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images