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A infografia interactiva mostra o traçado das grutas de Tham Luang e detalhes da missão de resgate.


Missão em gruta da Tailândia interactivo

July 10, 2018 - Níveis de oxigénio em queda e previsões de chuva forte levaram as autoridades a lançar uma arriscada missão de resgate de 12 rapazes e seu treinador de futebol numa gruta inundada na Tailândia. Uma passagem exígua num entroncamento de túneis revelou-se o ponto crítico que a missão enfrentou.

The boys are being led out one by one, each accompanied by two divers, who carry his air supply. The boys wear a full-face mask, which are easier for novice divers to use than a traditional respirator.

As each boy emerges from the cave system an ambulance transports them to hospital in the city of Chiang Rai.

The death of a former Thai navy diver while on an oxygen supply mission ahead of the rescue highlighted the risks for the boys, who had no scuba diving experience. Some of them did not even know how to swim.

The boys, aged between 11 and 16, and their assistant coach were found inside the Tham Luang cave in northern Chiang Rai province on July 2, after nine days underground. They went missing after setting out to explore the cave on June 23.

PUBLISHED: 10/07/2018; STORY: Graphic News