A infografia mostra o comércio bilateral sino-americano no ano até abril e os negócios em risco por estado dos EUA.


Estados dos EUA em risco com a guerra comercial

July 6, 2018 - A ameaça de uma guerra comercial sino-americana tornou-se realidade às 04:00TMG de sexta-feira, quando entraram em vigor as tarifas de 25% aplicadas pelos EUaA sobre importações chinesas no valor no valor de $34.000 milhões. A China acusou os EUA de “lançarem a maior guerra comercial da história”.

Steel and aluminium users, farming, electronics and car makers face increased expenses and potential losses of as many as 2.6 million jobs from President Trump’s trade war.

Steel prices have risen almost 38 per cent in the U.S. on the back of the Trump administration’s import duty, creating more than 3,000 jobs across the country, but higher prices present a problem for companies that use those metals.

A study by economists Joseph Francois and Laura M. Baughman at consulting group The Trade Partnership estimated that layoffs in industries that rely on steel and aluminium to produce goods would reach nearly 470,000, far outweighing the potential increase of 26,300 jobs in the metals industries.

American farm jobs are also at risk in the lucrative soybean producing states of Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota, which export about 35 million tonnes of soybeans worth $14.4 billion to China a year. An additional 25 per cent tariff on soybeans will add $100 per tonne on U.S. exports.

Tom Donohue, chief executive of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, has warned that the trade war threatens as many as 2.6 million American jobs.

PUBLISHED: 06/07/2018; STORY: Graphic News