A infografia mostra o crescimento económico no primeiro trimestre de 2018 nalguns países da UE.


Crescimento das economias europeias abrandam

May 16, 2018 - O crescimento económico na Europa sofreu um recuo nos primeiros três
meses de 2018, enquanto a produção industrial na zona euro cresceu
0,5 por cento em março, após três meses consecutivos de declínio.

Eurostat numbers released Tuesday showed that first-quarter growth in Germany, the Netherlands and Britain all slowed more than forecast in the three months through March, while the euro-area expansion slid from 0.7 percent to 0.4 percent.

The beast from the East, strikes, capacity constraints and even a flu outbreak hit the three months through March. While Europe’s European Central Bank policymakers are putting a brave face on things, the corporate world has pointed to pressure from a stronger euro -- up 13 percent since January 2017 -- and oil prices at their highest since 2014.

PUBLISHED: 16/05/2018; STORY: Graphic News