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A infografia mostra os resultados da sondagem de opinião da Parametria.


Candidato esquerdista começa com 18 pontos de vantagem

April 3, 2018 - O candiato de esquerda Andrés Manuel López Obrador tem uma
vantagem de 18 pontos no início da campanha para a presidência.

Lopez Obrador, who launched his campaign on Sunday, holds 38 percent of the vote, according to a poll by Parametria published on April 2.

Neither Ricardo Anaya, in second-place, nor third-placed Jose Antonio Meade show any sign of catching up with former Mexico City mayor Obrador.

Obrador could usher in a Mexican government less accommodating toward the United States, where President Donald Trump has stoked trade tensions with Mexico and aggressively moved to curb immigration.

PUBLISHED: 04/04/2018; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: test