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A infografia explica o sistema Rosatellum e mostra os resultados das últimas sondagens.


Sistema eleitoral italiano revisto

February 5, 2018 - As eleições gerais em Itália já seguirão a nova lei eleitoral “Rosatellum”
que favorece a formação de coligações. A Rosatellum é uma mescla
do “primeiro ganha tudo” e da representação proporcional.

Proportional representation will be used to award around 61 percent of the seats -- 386 in the lower house and 193 in the upper house. A first-past-the-post system will allocate some 37 percent -- 232 in the lower house and 116 in the upper house.

Experts expect that an alliance that wins more than 40 percent of the votes in the proportional system will likely gain over 65 percent of first-past-the-post seats -- and a possible majority.

A Financial Times poll tracker has the centre-right at 37 percent of the vote, the centre-left at 28 percent and Five Star at 28 percent. Seat Projections

PUBLISHED: 05/02/2018; STORY: Graphic News