Vierduizend jaar feestelijkheden infographic
Graphic shows the origins of celebrations around Christmas time.


Waar onze hedendaagse kerstgewoonten vandaan komen

By Ninian Carter

December 24, 2024 - Midwinter has long been a time of celebration. Ancient Egyptians and early Europeans marked the winter solstice – the rebirth of the sun – and the Romans held Saturnalia, to honour the pagan god of plenty.

From pagan times when pine trees were venerated as a sign of everlasting life and the Romans celebrated the Saturnalia gift-giving custom, to a sleigh-riding Scandinavian gnome and Turkey’s Saint Nicholas, who was admired for his piety and kindness, midwinter has a long history of festivities dating back thousands of years.

In the mid-4th century, Pope Julius I established December 25 as the birthday of Christ, setting the foundation stone for our modern era Christmas celebrations.

PUBLISHED: 24/12/2024; STORY: Graphic News