Graphic shows details of the Delta variant and reported cases worldwide.


Wat we van de Delta-variant van het coronavirus weten

June 28, 2021 - The coronavirus Delta variant, first identified in India, is rapidly spreading across the world and is the most contagious of any Covid-19 strain so far identified, according to the World Health Organisation.

The Delta strain is one of four “variants of concern” identified by the World Health Organisation (WHO). It has already spread to more than 80 countries and the WHO predicts it will become the dominant strain of Covid-19 worldwide.

In the UK, tens of thousands of cases have been detected, the highest number of reported Delta cases in a country so far, according to the global science initiative GISAID.

Research by Public Health England (PHE) found that the Delta variant is associated with a 64% increased chance of household transmission compared to the Alpha variant first identified in the UK, and is more likely to cause hospitalisation.

There is still little data available about whether the Delta variant causes more deaths.

PUBLISHED: 28/06/2021; STORY: Graphic News