Israël rgeeft Oost-Jeruzalem opnieuw vorm
June 16, 2020 - De aanleg van een nieuwe hoofdweg in Jeruzalem is gestart terwijl de coalitieregering op toezegging van premier Benjamin Netanyahu besprekingen begint over de annexatie van Joodse nederzettingen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever.
The project, named “The American Road” after an old road
in southeast Jerusalem, is set to cost over $250 million and it is poised to be completed in the summer of 2021, according to a Reuters report.
The Bypass will connect Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, north and south of city.
Israel officials say the project will benefit all of Jerusalem’s residents but critics say the road undermines the possibility of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, cutting off these parts of the city from the West Bank.
About 600,000 Jews live in about 140 settlements built since Israel's occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The settlements are widely considered illegal under international law, though Israel has always disputed this.