Graphic toont de elektriciteitsvoorziening van het VK in het eerste kwartaal van 2020.


Milieuvriendelijke elektriciteit VK overtroeft fossiele brandstof voor het eerst

By Ninian Carter

May 21, 2020 - In het eerste kwartaal van 2020 bestond meer dan 40% van de energievraag in het VK uit duurzame energie, en haalde voor het eerst fossiele bronnen in.

The United Kingdom's National Grid electrical network has seen a rise in green power, sourced from solar, wind, hydro and biomass producers.

Renewables supplied 41.25% of electricity during the first quarter of 2020, overtaking fossil fuels for the first time (coal and gas totalled 33.55%), according to the Electric Insights report (Drax Group Plc), researched by academics from Imperial College, London.

Somewhat ironically, a drop in demand caused by lockdown measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 means the network is in danger of becoming overloaded and has asked for emergency powers to stem the flow of green energy if needed.

PUBLISHED: 21/05/2020; STORY: Graphic News