Recordaantal van 50 miljoen ontheemden in 2019
April 29, 2020 -
Volgens een rapport van het Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
(IDMC) zijn een recordaantal van 50,8 miljoen mensen intern ontheemd.
Het coronavirus vormt een nieuwe bedreiging.
In its annual report, the IDMC says coronavirus disease (Covid-19) may add further risks to millions of already vulnerable people. More than 45 million have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict and violence. A further five million have been displaced by natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods.
Contributing to the figures, the IDMC says, are 33.4 million new displacements recorded in 2019, the highest annual figure since 2012.
The IDMC calls on governments to work towards solving conflicts like the civil war in Syria, where about a million people have fled their homes since December to escape a government offensive in a conflict that began nine years ago, the BBC said.
It also highlights conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen, and Afghanistan.
The report suggests that more could be done to tackle climate change and to prepare for natural disasters, with millions of people displaced last year by cyclones and floods.