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Graphic toont Europese banen die mogelijk op de tocht staan..


Coronavirus zet 59 miljoen Europese banen op de tocht

April 20, 2020 - Volgens adviesbureau McKinsey kan de werkloosheid in Europa de komende maanden bijna verdubbelen als er tot 59 miljoen banen door de
coronapandemie op de tocht komen te staan.

The consulting firm estimates that one in four jobs across the European Union and the United Kingdom are at risk of a reduction in hours or pay, temporary furloughs or permanent layoffs.

The most high risk occupations include 54.8 million workers, most of whom work in close proximity to others and have significant exposure to the general public; they include retail cashiers, cooks, and actors.

McKinsey estimates that the Covid-19 pandemic could almost double Europe’s unemployment rate in the coming months. In a worst-case scenario – in which Europe fails to contain the virus within three months and is forced to continue social distancing measures through the summer – the EU-27 unemployment rate will peak at 11.2% in 2021, with a full recovery to the precrisis level of 6.3% unlikely until 2024.

PUBLISHED: 20/04/2020; STORY: Graphic News