Graphic toont het door separatisten bezette gebied van Oekraïne, de separatist-held area of Ukraine, terugtrekkingsgebied, en details van de stappen naar vrede.


Oekraïne en separatisten trekken beide zware wapens terug uit het oosten

By Mike Tyler

October 30, 2019 - De Oekraïense regering en door Rusland gesteunde separatisten zijn begonnen met de terugtrekking vanwapens uit de frontlinie in het door oorlog verscheurde oosten van Oekraïne, een stap in de richting van het vlottrekken van het vastgelopen vredesproces.

The reports follow Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s visit to the area, where he confronted armed veterans who came there to try to hamper the weapons pullback.

The heavy weapons disengagement in eastern Ukraine, which was delayed for weeks, is seen as the final hurdle before the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany can get together to discuss a peace settlement for the conflict that has claimed more than 13,000 lives since 2014.

The commitment of Zelenskiy’s government to pull back heavy weapons in the east has triggered streets protests in the capital of Kiev and other Ukrainian cities. Many Ukrainians fear the move opens the door to concessions to Russia, which has been funding the rebels and regularly sending its troops across the border.

Russia denies these claims.

PUBLISHED: 30/10/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press