Mondiale opiumproductie
August 1, 2019 -
De wereldwijde opiumproductie kende de afgelopen twee decennia lang
een opwaartse trend, hoewel deze in 2018 ten opzichte van voorgaand
jaar met 25 procent daalde naar 7.790 ton.
The three central opium-producing countries (Afghanistan, Mexico and Myanmar) are estimated to have been responsible for roughly 96 per cent of the estimated global total opium production in 2018, with Afghanistan alone accounting for 82 per cent of that total.
The global decline in opium production in 2018 was mainly the result of a poor opium harvest in Afghanistan, following a 20 per cent decrease in the size of the area under cultivation due to drought.
Opium production in Myanmar also declined slightly, from 550 tons in 2017 to 520 tons in 2018. Myanmar is still the world's second-biggest producer, after Afghanistan, and it remains the primary supplier of opium and heroin in East and Southeast Asia, as well as Australia.