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Graphic toont locaties van alle PIF-lidstaten, met uitgelicht de gastheer van de top van dit jaar, Tuvalu, en zijn ernstige zorgen om de stijgende zeespiegel.


Klimaatzorgen op agenda 50e PIF-top

By Ninian Carter

August 13, 2019 - August 16, 2019 - De top van leiders op de 50e Pacific Island Forum (PIF) in Funafuti zullen focussen op de klimaatverandering, een bedreiging voor sommige staten, die binnen 80 jaar van stijgende zeespiegel kunnen verdwijnen.

The forum’s Boe Declaration specifically identifies the threat from climate change as “the single greatest threat to the livelihood, security and wellbeing of the peoples of the Pacific”.

The PIF communiqué on the declaration calls on countries to meet their emissions reduction commitments under the Paris Agreement.

Climate disaster has already arrived for many in the region, with some PIF nations barely poking their noses above the ocean – Tuvalu lists its highest point as 4.6 metres – and rising oceans are eating into their limited land mass.

The current predicted sea level rise of 2 meters by 2100 will mean total submersion for several PIF states. The climate change threat of more numerous and ferocious cyclones adds to the region’s fear for the future.

PUBLISHED: 29/07/2019; STORY: Graphic News