Graphic toont het pad van de storm, dreigende overstromingen, en de ergste otkanen die New Orleans teisterden.


New Orleans zet zich schrap voor mogelijke orkaan

July 12, 2019 - Tropische storm Barry trekt richting New Orleans en dreigt uit te groeien tot de eerste Atlantische orkaan van het seizoen – de jongste in een lange lijst stormen die de stad teisterden.

Barry could have winds of about 120km/h, just barely over the threshold for a hurricane, when it comes ashore, making it a Category 1 storm, forecasters said.

But it is expected to bring more than 0.5 metres of rain in potentially ruinous downpours that could go on for hours as the storm passes through the metropolitan area of nearly 1.3 million people and pushes slowly inland.

President Donald Trump on Thursday night declared a federal declaration of emergency for Louisiana, authorizing the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency to coordinate all disaster relief efforts.

PUBLISHED: 12/07/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Bonham’s