Graphic toont import en export VS-China in 2018.


Trump laat handelsoorlog VS-China escaleren

May 10, 2019 - President Trump laat zijn handelsoorlog met China escaleren met de tariefsverhoging van 10% naar 25% op $200 miljard aan Chinese goederen. Daarmee komt het totaal aan met 25% belaste Chinese import op $250 mrd.

China’s Commerce Ministry said it would impose “necessary countermeasures” but gave no details. Beijing retaliated for previous tariff hikes by raising duties on $110 billion of American imports.

The higher tariffs don’t apply to Chinese goods shipped before May 10. Shipments across the Pacific will take about three weeks before importers have to pay the increased charges. More than 5,700 product categories are affected.

Importers absorbed the earlier 10 per cent tariffs, but the latest U.S. increase is expected to be passed on to American consumers.

PUBLISHED: 10/05/2019; STORY: Graphic News