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Graphic toont gecombineerde droogte-indicatorkaart van New South Wales.


Droogte in New South Wales treft nu de hele staat

By Jordi Bou

August 8, 2018 - Australië’s dichtst bevolkte staat, New South Wales, verkeert nu geheel in
droogte, nu een droge winter verhevigt tot wat de ergste droogte wordt
genoemd sinds mensenheugenis in delen van Oost-Australië.

New South Wales produces around 25 percent of Australia’s
agricultural output.

The latest seasonal update from the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries has placed the entire state in some form of drought following one of the driest winters on record.

The department’s Combined Drought Indicator combines rainfall, soil water, plant growth and drought direction indexes, to classify levels of drought.

It’s the first time in three decades that the NSW landscape has faced similar conditions. Western parts of the state have had their driest period since records began.

With dry conditions forecast to continue for the next three months, farmers had to decide whether to continue the expensive and laborious task of hand-feeding cattle and sheep or sell their livestock.

PUBLISHED: 08/08/2018; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images